Welcome to the ‘NMC Standards’ and ‘Approach to SSSA’ pages.
This area includes the pan London approach to SSSA and links to all the relevant NMC standards for education.
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Approach to SSSA
Pan London Approach to Supporting Supervision and Assessment
Through extensive collaboration undertaken as part of the development of Version 2.0 of the Pan London Practice Assessment Document (PLPAD 2.0) there has been agreement from all partners to develop a pan London approach to the development of the new roles as outlined in the SSSA. A consistent approach aims to support enhanced learning and assessment processes.
Pan London Practice Learning approach to the implementation of the
Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment ( NMC 2018)
The PLPLG have developed with their practice partners a Pan London approach to implementing the Standards for student supervision and assessment. All universities will transfer existing students on to the SSSA from September 2019. PLPAD 1.0 has been modified and approved to reflect the change of roles
2 Hour PowerPoint Presentations Lesson Plan
This 2 hour presentation is to prepare current mentors for the new roles of Practice Supervisor and Practice Assessor. The presentation gives an overview of the new roles, NMC guidance on SSSA and an overview of the main elements of Pan London Practice Assessment Document 2.0.
3 Hour PowerPoint Presentations Lesson Plan
This 3 hour presentation is to prepare current mentors for the new roles of Practice Supervisor and Practice Assessor. The presentation gives a more detailed overview of the new roles, NMC guidance on SSSA and an overview of the main elements of Pan London Practice Assessment Document 2.0.
NMC Standards

Standards for Nurses
Realising professionalism: Standards for education and training
Further Resources
These pages can be found on the NMC website and contain the supporting information for the NMCs new standards relating to student supervision and assessment.