Now available!

We are delighted that Pan London midwifery students have joined our ePAD platform.
Training resources for the online Midwifery Ongoing Record of Achievement can be accessed from the eMORA page.
Your partner university will keep you up to date with progress as well as dates for training sessions.
Assessment of Proficiencies in Practice
See our new pan London Guide to support the assessment of 12 specific proficiencies/skills across Parts 2 and 3 of the PLPAD with links to key resources to enhance student learning – developed as part of a HEE funded project.
See the new SCPHN PADs page
We are pleased to support SCPHN programmes by including a new page to host their new Pan London PADs.
The Pan London Practice Learning Group (PLPLG) has been established for over 15 years. The PLPLG represents 14 Approved Education Institutions (AEIs) across London. Kathy Wilson, Head of Practice Based Learning, Middlesex University Chairs the PLPLG and Nicki Fowler, Programme Leader/Professional Lead, Learning Disabilities is Vice Chair, PLPLG.
The purpose of the group is to:
• develop, support, monitor and evaluate a standardised London wide approach to practice learning and assessment across London for a range of learners on pre-registration nursing programmes
• reduce variation in practice learning to create excellence across London
• work collaboratively with other health and social care professional groups sharing and disseminating effective practice.
The PLPLG has a representative from each of the following Universities:
Bucks New University
City, University of London
Canterbury Christ Church University
King’s College London
Kingston University London
London South Bank University
Middlesex University
University of East London
University of Greenwich
University of Hertfordshire
University of West London
University of Roehampton London
Brunel University London
BPP University
The information hosted on this website is intended to assist our practice partners who support and assess student nurses and nursing associates on practice placements from the universities across London. Information is included in relation to the NMCs Future Nurse standards of proficiency for pre-registration nurses, standards for nursing associates and the SSSA (2018).
Sample versions of Pan London Practice Assessment Documents are included and can be downloaded, copied and used in training sessions. A range of resources have been developed in consultation with practice partners and AEIs to prepare staff for the roles outlined in the SSSA. These are designed to be used flexibly depending on the organisations needs and based on discussions with their local AEIs to agree the most appropriate approach.

PLPLG Newsletter
Our regular Newsletter is full of all the latest information and features. Click the Cover image to download.

Newsletter — Back Issues