Pan London Practice Assessment Document 2.0
The Pan London Practice Assessment Document 2.0 has been developed by the PLPLG in collaboration with practice partners, mentors, academic staff, students and service users across the London region. PLPAD 2.0 has been developed for student nurse in all fields of practice: adult, child, mental health and learning disability nursing.
PLPAD 2.0 meets the standards and proficiencies of the NMC’s Future Nurse (2018) to enable the nurse to deliver person-centred safe, effective and compassionate care and be fit for practice and fit for purpose at the point of registration and ultimately to safeguard the patients/service users and protect the public.
Health Education England London have provided funding to support the the development of PLPAD 2.0
PLPAD 2.0 Part 1
PLPAD 2.0 Part 2
PLPAD 2.0 Part 3
PLPAD 2.0 Ongoing Achievement Record
Guide to using PLPAD 2.0
The purpose of the guide is to provide guidance for the completion of the Pan London Practice Assessment Document (PAD) 2.0. General guidelines are provided for each element within the PAD. This guidance should be read alongside specific instructions that may apply to individual Universities.