Pan London Practice Learning Group Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment Resources

The PLPLG, in consultation with their practice partners, have developed a range of resources to prepare Practice Supervisors and Practice Assessors for the new roles as detailed in the Standards for student supervision and assessment, (NMC 2018). The resources include sessions to prepare current mentors to transition to the new role of Practice Assessor and sessions to prepare new staff for the roles of Practice Supervisor and Practice Assessor.

The Development Route Map gives an overview of all the resources available. These have been developed to be used flexibly depending on the organisations needs and include face to face modules and e-learning modules.

Click here for Summary of Resources
Development Route Map

The development of the SSSA resources has been supported by CapitalNurse.

Practice Supervisor Half Day Module

Intended as a face-to-face workshop, this module includes PowerPoint presentation, facilitator guide with lesson plan and trainer notes, activities and case studies

Practice Supervisor Certificate
Practice Supervisor Workshop Facilitator Guide
Practice Supervisor Workshop

Practice Assessor Half Day Module

For existing Mentors this is also intended as a Face-to-Face workshop, this module includes PowerPoint Presentation, Facilitator Guide with Lesson Plan and Trainer Notes, Activities and Case Studies

Practice Assessor Half Day Workshop Certificate
Practice Assessor Half Day Workshop for Existing Mentors Facilitator Guide
Practice Assessor Workshop for Existing Mentors

Practice Assessor Programme

This programme should be a mimumum of two full days or equivalent. This programme is for new Practice Assessors with no experience of mentoring but who have some experience of undertaking a Practice Supervisor Role. It includes e-learning modules and a one-day face-to-face workshop. It is intended that all e-learning modules are completed in advance of the workshop. The workshop material includes PowerPoint Presentation, Facilitator Guide with Lesson Plan and Trainer Notes, Activities and Case Studies.
Practice Assessor Certificate Full Day
Practice Assessor Full Day Workshop Facilitator Guide
Practice Assessor Workshop Full Day

Short Modules

Each of the following modules is available as a stand-alone session lasting between 30 and 60 minutes. These can be used in team meetings or other sessions. Each includes a PowerPoint Presentation, Facilitator Guide with Lesson Plan and Facilitator Notes, Activities and Case Studies and can be delivered in practice organisations or AEIs based on local requirements/resources for delivery. The AEIs must ensure that the programme meets all NMC requirements.

The short modules available are:
Understanding students
Roles and responsibilities
Assessing learning needs*
(Facilitator Guide)  |  (Session Slides)
Assessing learning in practice
Raising concerns
Giving feedback*
(Facilitator Guide) (Session Slides)
Coaching skills*
(Facilitator Guide)  |  (Session Slides)

* these are CapitalNurse modules available through the HEE website

Understanding Students

Understanding Students Certificate
Understanding Students Facilitator Guide
Understanding Students Short Module

Roles and Responsibilities

Roles and Responsibilities Certificate
Roles and Responsibilities Facilitator Guide
Roles and Responsibilities Activity
Roles and Responsibilities

Assessing Learning

Assessing Learning in Practice Certificate

Assessing Learning in Practice Facilitator Guide
Assessing Learning in Practice

Raising Concerns

Raising Concerns Certificate
Raising Concerns Facilitator Guide

Additional Activities

The following scenarios and case studies are available as additional or replacement activities to help facilitators choose the most appropriate activities for their groups or to supplement the activities included in the modules.

Additional Case Study Scenarios


Audio files:

The Initial Interview
Roles and Responsibilities