NMC Future Nurse Standards (NMC 2018a)
Assessment of Proficiencies in Practice

A Guide for Students, Practice Supervisors, Practice Assessors and Academic Staff


 The Pan London Practice Learning Group (PLPLG) on behalf of the 14 London Approved Educational Institutes (AEIs) secured Clinical Placement Expansion Programme (CPEP) funding from HEE to plan a consistent approach to the assessment of those proficiencies/skills which may be challenging to achieve and assess in specific practice settings across the 4 fields of nursing. The focus of this work has been to develop and agree a unified approach Pan London, in collaboration with all the AEIs and their practice partners.

 This work is intended to facilitate placement expansion and increase capacity as staff in practice become more confident in supporting students and AEIs utilise simulated practice more effectively in line with NMC requirements (NMC, 2018b).

This work is also intended to reflect that the Annexe A and B skills, as operationalised in the proficiencies section in the PAD apply to all registered nurses, but the level of expertise and knowledge required will vary depending on the chosen field of practice” (NMC 2018a, pp 27&31).

In discussions with the NMC, the project team have been reminded of the need to ensure students receive opportunities to achieve the proficiencies/skills in practice, where possible, and this requirement has influenced the approach in this guide.


For the purpose of this project, 12 specific proficiencies/skills across Parts 2 and 3 have been identified. This guide will provide information for students, Practice Supervisors, Practice Assessors, and academic staff to outline: 

  • where the proficiency/skill is to be assessed e.g., in practice placement or in simulated practice within the university
  • learning resources to support student learning and guide the PS/PA in assessing proficiencies, including case studies and relevant eLFH modules..
  • a table which summarises the proposals regarding the approaches to student assessment of the 12 identified proficiencies/skills.

 Student Assessment of Proficiencies

As per the NMC guidance it is important to emphasise that where possible student assessment should occur within the practice  setting (see approaches 1a and 1b below), however, it is acknowledged that this may not always be achievable in all fields of nursing due to the nature of the service and the model of care delivery.

The majority of proficiencies are taught in theory within the AEI, with the opportunity for skills rehearsal, where appropriate, using a range of resources (including those identified in this guide).

The approaches to assess the proficiencies are outlined below:

  1. Within Practice by PS/PA

1a) Working directly with patients / service users to observe and practice the skill/proficiency (to incorporate application of knowledge and skills that are delivered in AEIs)

1b) Using a targeted discussion i.e. if the opportunity to meet whole/part of the proficiency is not available (to incorporate the application of knowledge/skills rehearsal from the AEI- may be supported by simulated practice in some areas)

  1. Within the University :

Through Simulated Practice (theory, practice and assessment within AEI, and signed in the PAD by the AEI – if the opportunity to be assessed in practice is not available. This can be a member of AEI staff – acting in the role of PA in line with SSSA)

[Refer to the Case Studies/resources on the Pan London Practice Learning Group website for relevant focused learning and supporting information in relation to the achievement of these proficiencies.  https://plplg.uk/]

The identified resources are not intended to be prescriptive and should be used to enhance student learning and support assessment. For example the student may be asked to explore the Case Study before a discussion with their PS/PA. The Case Study itself is not a formal part of the assessment and a PS/PA may alternatively choose to draw on other available sources of evidence to support their assessment.

Likewise the eLFH modules are intended to expand a student’s understanding and guide practice staff to the underpinning theory, where necessary. It is acknowledged that some of the modules are aimed at acute care but can be applied to any field/practice setting and remain valuable in supporting learning.

NB: Some proficiencies may require a change in policy in the practice setting and will need to be reflected in local policy documents.

A Guide for Students, Practice Supervisors, Practice Assessors and Academic Staff

CPEP: Clinical Placements Expansion Programme 
eLFH: eLearning for Health
HEE: Health Education England
AEI: Approved Education Institution i.e. university
NMC: Nursing and Midwifery Council
PA: Practice Assessor
PLPLG: Pan London Practice Learning Group
PS: Practice Supervisor
SSSA: Standards for student supervision and assessment

Achievement of Proficiencies

Skills rehearsal and related theory is delivered in the AEI for all proficiencies at an appropriate level for the student’s intended field of nursing practice.  

Proficiencies — Part 2, No. 3

Recognise people at risk of self-harm and/or suicidal  ideation and demonstrates the knowledge and skills required to support person-centred evidence-based practice using appropriate risk assessment tools as needed. (Part 2 or Part 3).
Direct patient care in
practice by PS/PA

Mental Health
Learning Disability

‘Recognition’ can form part of a discussion with the student. the remaining proficiency can be assessed through use of any risk assessment

Targeted discussion in practice with PS/PA
AEI Simulation (assessment within AEI)

Suicide and Self-harm Prevention – Adults
Self-harm: Making an Assessment

Suicide and Self-harm Prevention – Young People
Vulnerable Groups – An overview
Assessing and managing risk

Case Studies:

Proficiencies — Part 2. No.12

Demonstrates understanding of artificial nutrition and hydration and is able to insert, manage and remove oral/nasal gastric tubes.
Direct patient care in
practice by PS/PA





Some areas may have implemented the British Association of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition guidelines. If so the AEI should be informed to support assessment decisions https://www.bapen.org.uk/

Targeted discussion in practice with PS/PA


Mental Health


Learning Disability


Demonstrates understanding of artificial nutrition and hydration can be achieved in any area though opportunities to practice may not.

AEI Simulation (assessment within AEI)

Nasogastric tube insertion


Feeding (in palliative care)

https://portal.e-lfh.org.uk/Component/Details/633151 British Association of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition guidelines. https://www.bapen.org.uk/


Proficiencies — Part 2. No.14

Insert, manage, and remove urinary catheters for all genders and assist with clean, intermittent self-catheterisation where appropriate. Manages bladder drainage where appropriate.
Direct patient care in
practice by PS/PA



May only have opportunity with a single gender due to local policy/ opportunities

Targeted discussion in practice with PS/PA


AEI Simulation (assessment within AEI)

Mental Health





AEIs may use the case study to support assessment If opportunity in practice is not available


Proficiencies — Part 2. No.19

Undertakes a comprehensive respiratory assessment including chest auscultation e.g., peak flow and pulse oximetry (where appropriate) and manages the administration of oxygen using a range of routes.
Direct patient care in
practice by PS/PA



Mental Health

Learning Disability


Respiratory assessment can be undertaken for any individual. Consider when chest auscultation is undertaken as part of this and if possible provide opportunities for demonstration

Targeted discussion in practice with PS/PA

Mental Health





AEIs may use the case study to support assessment If opportunity in practice is not available

AEI Simulation (assessment within AEI)

Respiratory assessment and monitoring



Proficiencies — Part 2. No.20

Uses best practice approaches to undertake nasal and oral suctioning techniques.
Direct patient care in
practice by PS/PA



Mental Health

Learning Disability

Targeted discussion in practice with PS/PA

Mental Health

Learning Disability


If opportunity in practice is not available

AEI Simulation (assessment within AEI)

Open and closed suctioning



Quality standards: Mental Health inpatient care equipment and drug lists Resuscitation Council UK


Proficiencies — Part 2. No.24

Undertakes an effective cardiac assessment and demonstrates the ability to undertake an ECG and interpret findings.
Direct patient care in
practice by PS/PA



Mental Health

Learning Disability

Targeted discussion in practice with PS/PA

Mental Health

Learning Disability


Cardiac assessment can be undertaken for any individual though the opportunity to  undertake an ECG might not.

AEI Simulation (assessment within AEI)

Proficiencies — Part 2. No.25

Demonstrates knowledge and skills related to safe and effective venepuncture and can interpret normal and abnormal blood profiles.
Direct patient care in
practice by PS/PA



Mental Health

Learning Disability

Targeted discussion in practice with PS/PA

Mental Health

Learning Disability


If opportunity to practice is not available

AEI Simulation (assessment within AEI)

Proficiencies — Part 2. No.26

Demonstrates knowledge and skills related to safe and effective cannulation in line with local policy.

*local policy change needed

Direct patient care in
practice by PS/PA



Targeted discussion in practice with PS/PA



AEI Simulation (assessment within AEI)

Mental Health√



Disability √


AEIs to use the proposal outlined in the CN IV passport  to support assessment.



Capital Nurse IV Therapy Passport


includes: Vascular access devices

The following guide outlines a staged approach to the integration of the CN IV passport for the pre-registration curriculum indicating the levels for each field of practice


Proficiencies — Part 2. No.27

Manage and monitor blood component transfusions in line with local policy and evidence base practice.

Direct patient care in
practice by PS/PA



Targeted discussion in practice with PS/PA
AEI Simulation (assessment within AEI)

Mental Health√


Learning Disability √


AEIs may use the identified resources to support assessment If opportunity in practice is not available

Proficiencies — Part 3, No.12

Manages the care of people who are receiving IV fluids and accurately records fluid intake and output, demonstrating understanding of potential complications

Direct patient care in
practice by PS/PA



Targeted discussion in practice with PS/PA

Mental Health


Learning Disability


If opportunity to practice is not available.

AEI Simulation (assessment within AEI)

Proficiencies — Part 3, No.13

Manages the care of people receiving fluid and nutrition via infusion pumps and devices including the administration of medicines as required in line with local policy.

Direct patient care in
practice by PS/PA



Targeted discussion in practice with PS/PA

Mental Health


Learning Disability


If opportunity to practice is not available.

AEI Simulation (assessment within AEI)

https://portal.e-lfh.org.uk/myElearning/Index?HierarchyId=0_45016_45678_567&programmeId=45016  Includes: Syringe Pumps: Introduction, Risk Management, Specific Devices

https://portal.e-lfh.org.uk/myElearning/Index?HierarchyId=0_45016_45678_539&programmeId=45016  Includes: Volumetric pumps: Introduction


Case Study as above for care of people with IV Fluids

Proficiencies — Part 3, No.14

Manage and monitor the effectiveness of symptom relief medication, with the use of infusion pumps and other devices

Direct patient care in
practice by PS/PA



Targeted discussion in practice with PS/PA

Mental Health


Learning Disability


If opportunity to practice is not available.

AEI Simulation (assessment within AEI)

Infusion pumps:



Case Study as above for care of people with IV Fluids


Nursing Midwifery Council (2018a) Future nurse: Standards of proficiency for registered nurses. London: NMC


Nursing Midwifery Council (2018b) Realising professionalism: Standards for education and training Part 2: Standards for student supervision and assessment   London: NMC


Further Resources

CapitalNurse IV Therapy Passport: https://www.hee.nhs.uk/our-work/capitalnurse/our-work/iv-therapy-passport


e-learning for healthcare: https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/


e-learning for healthcare: Physical Health Checks for Severe Mental Illness https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/physical-health-checks-for-severe-mental-illness/


Strengthening Team-Based Education in Practice:  https://www.stepapproach-learning.org/


The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Procedures (2021) 10th Edition The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Procedures Student Edition   

Edited by Lister, S, Hofland, J., Grafton H., Wilson., C. Wiley-Blackwell :Oxford 


The Royal

Marsden Manual of Clinical Procedures (2020) 10th Edition On line –  https://www.wiley.com/learn/royalmarsdenmanual/online-edition.html